Nano: The Simple Text Editor Every Terminal User Should Know

Nano: The Simple Text Editor Every Terminal User Should Know

Nano is a terminal-based text editor that is straightforward, easy to learn, and widely available across most Linux distributions. Whether you need to make quick edits to a text file or you're working on a system without a graphical user interface (GUI), Nano is your go-to tool. While some might argue that you should invest time in learning Vim, I believe that it's not always necessary to spend so much time mastering Vim, especially when most of your text editing will likely be done using a GUI-based editor. However, knowing the basics of Vim can be advantageous since it offers features exclusive to Vim, and some minimalistic distributions come pre-installed with only Vim.

But if your goal is to cover the majority of your text-editing needs quickly and efficiently, mastering Nano is the way to go. Here are some essential Nano commands that will help you handle 99% of text editing tasks:

1. Opening Files

  • nano test.txt: Opens the file normally. Sometimes, you might need to add sudo in front of the command to edit system files.

  • nano -v test.txt: Opens the file in view-only mode, preventing any accidental edits.

2. Saving and Exiting

  • Ctrl + o (Write Out): Prompts you to confirm the file name before saving the changes.

  • Ctrl + x: Exits Nano. If there are unsaved changes, Nano will ask whether you want to save them.

  • Ctrl + s: Saves any unsaved changes instantly.

3. Copy, Cut, Paste, and Delete Text

  • Alt + a: Begins text selection, marking the cursor's current position. Ctrl + Alt + 6 performs the same action.

  • Ctrl + k: Cuts the entire line where the cursor is located. You can use it repeatedly to cut multiple lines.

  • Ctrl + u: Pastes the last cut text at the current cursor position.

  • Alt + r: Replaces a specific text with another.

  • Ctrl + d: Deletes the character at the cursor's current position.

4. Searching for Text

  • Ctrl + w: Initiates a search within the document. After pressing this, type the text you want to find and press Enter.

  • Alt + w: Moves to the next occurrence of the searched text.

  • Alt + q: Moves to the previous occurrence.

5. Navigating the File

  • Alt + /: Moves the cursor to the end of the file.

  • Alt + \: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the file.

  • Alt + g: Prompts for a line and column number to jump to that specific location in the file.

  • Ctrl + y: Scrolls up one page.

  • Ctrl + v: Scrolls down one page.

6. Undo and Redo

  • Alt + u: Undoes the last action.

  • Alt + e: Redoes the last undone action.

7. Miscellaneous Commands

  • Ctrl + t: Executes a command within the Nano editor.

  • Alt + x: Disables help mode.

  • Alt + p: Toggles the visibility of whitespace characters on or off.

  • Ctrl + r: Reads and inserts another file into the current file.

Mastering these commands will ensure that you're well-equipped to handle almost any text editing task in the terminal. While Vim has its place and power, Nano provides a more straightforward and accessible solution for most users. So next time you need to edit a file, give Nano a try—you might find it to be the perfect tool for your needs.

If you are interested to learn all the nano commands, visit this this link.